The Flying High Executive Leadership Conversation Forum for Aviation, Aerospace, Defense & Space Industry Executives Who Want to Stay in the Know!

Flying High Executive Leadership Conversations

hosted by LOS Global

Our next leadership conversation is on

Wednesday, August 21, 2024 @ 12:30pm EST

When your exec team is bogged down in conflict and market trust and revenues are at risk. A conversation with Dr Susan Bernstein, MBA, PhD on transforming conflict into collaboration in 30 days or less with your leadership team

Conflict is often seen as a bad thing in companies and especially in leadership teams...

Conflict doesn't always look like fighting --

more often, it shows up as subtle signs like sniping, micro-aggression, or passive aggressive behaviors.

Leaders should beware, because conflict can be very costly --

not only in the loss of productivity, but in the misalignment of leaders, and the lack of harmony in your organizational culture.

So what do you do when this kind of destructive conflict arises?

But is it all bad?

Or can the conflict be a catalyst to something better for everyone?

If you'd like to enhance your understanding of conflict and how to navigate it, join us for our next leadership conversation, an open conversation with Susan Bernstein, MBA, PhD, a trusted guide on transforming conflict into collaboration..

Our closed-door VIP Flying High Executive Leadership Conversations

brings together company executives, senior leaders and high achievers

in the aviation, aerospace, defense and space industries.

Gain valuable insights


Achieve your goals and finish 2024 strong!

This event is NOT for solo-preneurs, coaches or consultants!

Our engaging formats include:

Information presented by one or more experts,

Engaging conversations and lively discussions

Q&A time

A recap of the key highlights

BONUS: attendees will receive the key highlights via email afterwards and an executive debrief

To receive your personal invitation and access link

to attend this next VIP 'invite-only' Executive Leadership Conversation ,

please completing the short registration form below.

Please share with us a bit more about your company.


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